
Cinefilia: O libertino

Não vou dizer nada sobre este filme, excepto citar este diálago entre Rochester (Johnny Depp) e uma prostituta.

Rochester: Did you miss me?
Jane: I missed the money.
Rochester: Good. I don't like a whore with sentiment!

E também este:

Rochester: This is your first season on the London stage? Elizabeth Barry: It is, my lord.
Rochester: Mrs. Barry, you must acquire the trick of ignoring those who do not like you. In my experience, those who do not like you fall into two categories: The stupid and the envious. The stupid will like you in five years time. The envious, never.

E, por último, não podia esquecer-me deste, claro:

Rochester: I don't mean to upset people, but I must speak my mind. For what's in my mind is far more interesting than whats outside my mind.
Alcock: Then that makes you quite impossible to live with.

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